Mr. Marino has more than 37 years of experience, including 20 years as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). He has served in an executive management role for a broad range of engineering projects, providing comprehensive staff and project management, development, and oversight for public works, coastal, port and harbor, transportation, and environmental projects.
Mr. Marino is a USACE de Fleury Medal recipient. He currently serves as a U.S. Commissioner to the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), a member of the Board of Directors for ASCE Coasts, Oceans, Ports, & Rivers Institute (COPRI), is a Director of the American Shores & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA), and is a Director of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association (AIWA). He serves on the Board of Directors of the University of North Florida’s (UNF) Taylor Engineering Research Institute and the UNF Dean’s Leadership Council.

As vice president of Taylor Engineering’s waterfront engineering group, Mr. Armbruster oversees efforts across a spectrum of activities from feasibility analysis through final design and construction phase services for a range of projects including marine and waterfront facilities, marine structures, dredging projects, dredged material management facilities, hydraulic control structures, pile foundation structures, erosion control measures, and shore protection installations. Mr. Armbruster is the U.S. principal representative on the PIANC Recreational Navigation Commission and serves on the ASCE Coasts, Oceans, Ports, & Rivers Institute (COPRI) Ports and Harbor Committee..
As vice president of coastal engineering, Mr. Craig holds overall responsibility for the company’s coastal engineering operations which at present involves nearly 60 separate task orders and $4.5 million in backlog. He possesses a unique, experience-based skill set that spans a broad range of coastal zone issues. Mr. Craig provides managerial oversight to many of the company’s largest coastal engineering projects. Mr. Craig’s formal academic training focused on coastal process analyses (i.e., shoreline evolution and sediment transport, wave and hydrodynamic modeling) and their impacts on major shore protection projects. He frequently acts as project liaison to local, state, and federal agencies regarding project related issues such as design, permitting, and funding options. Mr. Craig currently serves as the chair of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers Institute’s National Coastal Zone Management Committee.

Mr. DelCharco leads the company’s water resources group and is charged with maintaining technical excellence, keeping a strategic focus, and ensuring a healthy work environment. In addition, he serves as project manager on larger water resources projects, provides technical oversight and management for the group’s water resources, water supply, dam breach, hydraulic modeling, wave modeling, and levee analysis. He is also project manager for coastal and riverine flood risk studies, environmental restoration and mitigation studies, and other hydrologic and hydraulic-related projects.
Mr. Ellis provides environmental expertise on a wide variety of projects including wetland delineation and habitat characterization, wetland mitigation design and monitoring, ecosystem restoration, state and federal permitting, threatened and endangered species consultation, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, submerged resource surveys, water and sediment sampling and data evaluation, and Phase I and II environmental site assessments.

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