Project Description
As a subcontractor, Taylor Engineering helped the City of West Palm Beach design, permit, and construct a series of floating docks for Waterfront Commons, the centerpiece of the City’s downtown redevelopment program for the Lake Worth Lagoon waterfront. This work required coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and local building officials. These floating docks, with additional design elements that include seating areas, planting areas, and public art, bring the waterfront park’s theme into the surrounding marine environment.
Taylor Engineering provided marine engineering design and construction expertise to the City’s project design team, which included planners/architects, landscape architects, lighting consultants, utility designers, and city planners. Taylor Engineering also provided construction administration and observation services. Total construction value of $15.4 million.
Waterfront Commons received the Beacon of Light Award, which recognizes the Marine Industries Association’s Project of the Year.